Sunday, March 1, 2009

Romance and Relationships

In relationships women are pushing more for equality. We are breaking the traditional relationship norm of the active male asking out the passive female. Now women are asking men out, not ordering salads, and splitting the bill. But as pro-active as women have become, we still aren’t there yet. Now it is normal to split the bill, but it is still normal for the guy to pay, and it would be abnormal for the woman to pay for it all.
Women ask men out, but it is usually more rare and a big deal. I’ve asked guys out or made the first move and whenever I tell my friends about it they are slightly shocked because apparently I’m suppose to sit back and wait for Prince Charming. This happened recently and a week later my friend said I inspired her to ask out her crush. But we shouldn’t need inspiration. We shouldn’t feel like asking a guy out is a crazy notion. It should be normal by now. Men should ask out women. Women should ask out men. No one needs to wait for the other to make the first move.
Maybe we are stuck in traditional relationships because we have grown up watching Disney princess movies. This idea of what relationships should be like has been taught to us at such a young age that we feel like this is how it has to be. I guess at some point everyone has to realize that real life isn’t a movie, but how long will it take us?

1 comment:

  1. Again, your personal examples make your posts interesting. I like how you try to take a step back and assess kind of "where women are" vis-a-vis more egalitarian ideas about dating.
