Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gender Socialization

What are the most powerful influences that have shaped your conception of femininity and masculinity?

I think a lot of it has to do with what type of household you were brought up in. My mom stopped working when my older sister was born twenty-three years ago, and she hasn’t been back to work since then. Growing up she was always home with us and my dad was always working. From living in this traditional household I viewed femininity as passive, caring, loving and patient. My mom always had dinner ready at night for my dad when he got home from work. She always put my dad and my sisters before herself. I viewed masculinity as tough, hardworking, stoic, and active. My dad loves sports, so I also viewed playing and watching sports as masculine activity. From growing up and seeing more of the world, my ideas of femininity and masculinity have changed, but a lot of the stereotypical ideas of femininity and masculinity are still ingrained in my mind from my childhood.
When I was younger I wanted to be a housewife because my mom was a stay-at-home-mom. I knew I would always go to college, but I thought being a housewife would be much better than getting a real job. Not that I would be opposed to being a stay-at-home-mom for part of my life, but its not something I want to do for most of my lifetime. My conception of what femininity and masculinity are changed when I became exposed to different possibilities to what the terms could mean.
If I grew up in a household where both my parents worked or my mom was the main provider I think my ideas of femininity and masculinity would be different. But regardless of what type of household we were brought up in, we all have different opinions and viewpoints that shape how we live our lives, and our opinions on femininity and masculinity.

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